Dec. 17, 2020

Civil Rights for all and a End for Oppression

Civil Rights for all and a End for Oppression

GROW    Greatness Reached over Oppression through Wisdom

 During this recording, The Ancestors revealed to me that we are at the End of the Civil Rights Movement.  Through the Ancestors, they put the Song "Glory" on my Heart.  Read the lyrics.  Here are a few: Now we write the wrongs in history no one can win the war individually it takes the wisdom of the elders and young people's energy welcome to the story we call Victory the coming of the Lord my eyes have seen the glory."  The two Legends Common and John Legend.

 Here we are, at the END of the Civil Rights Movement.  Africans not just in The United States, but all over the World will RISE from their Oppression and Come out with Substance!  We will Unite as a People and our Oppressive behavior towards ourselves and Others must Change or we will face Judgment in The Spiritual Realm.