Feb. 20, 2022

My Voyage to the Atlantis; Oh Africa! The Paradise out beyond the Sea

My Voyage to the Atlantis; Oh Africa! The Paradise out beyond the Sea

GROW Greatness Reached over Oppression through Wisdom 

Glory be to God✨
The Voyage to the Atlantis,
Oh, Africa! The Paradise out beyond the Sea💝

Strapped to a seat Belt in an airplane for 12 hours crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

I woke and slept 4 times on the way back to 🇺🇸 Africa is six hours ahead of me (CST), every time I woke, we were still crossing the ocean.

I was offered food and drink Several times during the flight.  I was fully replenished and hydrated as we travelled.  

Just imagine,
            The Slave Ships..they were Strapped and packed in those Slave ships for Months 

The Transatlantic Slave Trade over 400 years;

We GROW from here💫💞
