June 7, 2022

I Owe God, I Will GROW 4 U, It’s a Family Affair

I Owe God, I Will GROW 4 U, It’s a Family Affair

GROW Greatness Reached over Oppression through Wisdom 

Here GROW Bo

It’s a Family Affair✨💝

When I showed my Grandson the picture of Emmitt Till,

He said he looks like his Cousin 🥰, literally

He said he looks just like his Cool Cousin at his Dad’s house and that he resembles him🥰 Amen

I told him I called him Bobo because that was Emmitts nickname, he has been Bobo since he was a Baby, my daughter says no more Bo,

He is Michail, I just told him the Story of Emmitt Till, pictures and all, 

       after all,

King Emmitt he was about to take his big trip to the south, My Baby Bo, is heading West, 
all on a Plane trip by himself, 

They were from Chicago

Queen Mother told her son to mind his manners, he was from the North, were Africans were free to be, he was outspoken, like many children,

He spoke his Mind, kids are Wise, 
almost Smart alecky; It’s their Personality, 
You can’t beat it out of them

he went in a Store encountered a lady and the rest is History, Herstory

Bo now Michail knows, 

       Sow Love, GROW for his ‘Cousin’ Bobo💫💞
