March 14, 2021

Defensive Driving, Defensive Life

Defensive Driving, Defensive Life

GROW.   Greatness Reached over Oppression through Wisdom.

Here is Wisdom.

When was the last time you went to church and didn't have to pay?
 A price has already been paid!  Sometimes in Life you add up your Gains and Losses.
Many times the Losses seem to add up to be more than the Gains (they don't). 
God carried you through it all and You are Gaining!
You're more than a Conqueror in God who Loves you!
Sometimes in Life you add up your Gains and Losses.
Many times the Losses seem to add up to be more than the Gains (they don't). 
God carried you through it all and You are Gaining!
You're more than a Conqueror in God who Loves you!
Keep GROWing in God.  Love drives out 💞💞💞💞💞💞 hate.

For God and the above statement, I have to keep posting on Facebook.