June 13, 2022

Celebrate Sunday GROWing in the Flow of God

Celebrate Sunday GROWing in the Flow of God

GROW  Greatness Reached over Oppression through Wisdom 

Animal Shaped clouds in the Sky as Michail left for California

Orphaned children sadly are Everywhere, my Grandson was abandoned in my care 

God has answered my Prayers and my daughter has returned Loving, Capable and Stable enough to raise her Son and he wants to be with his Mom

She has shown me, without Me even asking, and that is Enough 
A baby when I got him, now I see, 

 Bo left to GROW, I’m all in
 Michail and his Grandparents are about to have months of Fun catching up 😁🥰 

Stepping off that plane in Sunny Cali will be Michail, 
Sailing high for Greatness, as You see in the picture, just like me, a Smile of Faith Beaming 

Sowing Love wherever he GROWs, 

Today I met another Grandparent raising a Grandchild, She told me some of how hard She is having it, we even exchanged phone numbers

Sow Love here We GROW 

Michail aka The Little Charmer
The Chocolate Pistachio, off to GROW to Spread his Wings like a Butterfly

Honey, so am I, 

To God be the Glory
        for the Whole GROW Story💫💞
