Nov. 6, 2021

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius

GROW Greatness Reached over Oppression through Wisdom 

This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. They told us and here we are.

We can decide to come together as a Human Race, not to rundown, outdo and outpace but to GROW In God at a Spiritual place. You can have it all and it all means nothing.

A Smile on your Face.

“Aquarius is thought to be characterised by intelligence and coming together in an effort to create something for the greater good.  We have to become critical thinkers.

 We need to be thoughtful and conscientious about how we are showing up for our communities. I know there is a lot of tension surrounding individuals and collective responsibilities right now.

Aquarius is all about collective responsibility. We will hopefully be learning how to be part of a larger system, as opposed to just caring about oneself and our immediate family. 

This is one of the most important lessons that we’ll need to learn if we are to be in a much better situation when we exit this age than we are as we enter it.”

God Bless you and
God bless the World as we GROW

Never allow anyone to take what you know is Right, what God would do and turn it against You.

Put the coat and the Shades on #BossLady, #BossMan, they don’t need to see where you coming from to know where You 
are GROWing Show them!  In your Godly actions.  Let it roll off Great Mountain!  

You are not what they call You

GROW is here and GROW is about God!

That’s why GROW is here💫💞